Barber's shop ONE'S HABITUAL

Barber's shop ONE'S HABITUAL

"With the phlegm of an old banker pouching thechange, the boy now turned to the other: "Sell youone, sir? for the privilege of vision I am indebted to anoculist, who in my tenth year operated upon me in Philadelphia.Nature made me blind and would have keptme so. ""Cut me you have already, cruel Charlie, and to the quick.Call to mind the days we went nutting, the times we walkedin the woods, arms wreathed about each other, showingtrunks invined like the trees:—oh, Charlie! nervously tucking his frayedcravat-end out of sight.

You have servedme; but, wretch that I am, I can but cough you mythanks,—ugh, ugh, ugh! A secret, a mystery—all I have to do withyou is to receive your confidence, and all you have todo with me is, in due time, to receive it back, thricepaid in trebling profits. All right.It's imprudent, though, to expose yourself this way.Let me take you to your berth.

Pardon, Isee it. ""Hence am I your pupil; for it's only when experiencespeaks, that I can endure to listen to speculation. ""Oh, sir, some way you mistook him. "Darting out, he procures a glass, returns, and, holding itto the sufferer's lips, supports his head while he drinks:"And did they let you lie here, my poor sir, rackedwith this parching thirst? Certainly, the sense oforiginality exists at its highest in an infant, and probablyat its lowest in him who has completed the circleof the sciences. One sees very well what their fate must be. Don't yousee? Ere I undertake a cure, I require a full accountof the case. ""You can't help me," returned the cripple gruffly. But hislimbs, if not a cripple, how could he twist his limbs so? "Nay," not untouched, "you do me injustice; insteadof indulging present suspicions, I had rather makeamends for previous ones. Let us forgetit.

asked the strangerwith such a preternaturally cold, gemmy glance out ofhis pellucid blue eye, that he seemed more a metaphysicalmerman than a feeling man; "is a rattle-snakeaccountable? Master of that woodland-cunning enablingthe adept to subsist where the tyro would perish, andexpert in all those arts by which an enemy is pursuedfor weeks, perhaps months, without once suspecting it,he kept to the forest. On principle, I greet unfortunates with somepleasant remark, the better to call off their thoughtsfrom their troubles. Truman, Mr. Truman!—Confound that steam-pipe.,Mr. I'll tell yea story of prisons. ""Shouldn't wonder," said the cosmopolitan gravely,"if it stood for port wine.

""My transfer-book. Life is dragged down to a fracas of pitiful cares and disasters. shows you at heart a trump. But if we suppose it so, I need not saythat such accountability is neither to you, nor me, northe Court of Common Pleas, but to something superior. ""Ah, poor Guinea! "Pray, will you put your money in your belt to-night? ""Yes, if like pig-weed he mows it down soon as itshoots," porcinely rubbing his stubble-chin against hiscoon-skins. Somehow I meet withthe most extraordinary metaphysical scamps to-day.Sort of visitation of them. ""Little as you drank of this elixir of logwood? "Now, owing to the lateness of the hour, the barberhad been all alone until within the ten minutes lastpassed; when, finding himself rather dullish company tohimself, he thought he would have a good time withSouter John and Tam O'Shanter, otherwise called Somnusand Morpheus, two very good fellows, though onewas not very bright, and the other an arrant rattlebrain,who, though much listened to by some, no wiseman would believe under oath.
""Again, how sorry I feel, not only for your cough,but your poverty. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon.

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Barber's shop ONE'S HABITUAL