Build's 2019 Design BUILD Awards

Build's 2019 Design BUILD Awards

Each winner has shown passion, expert knowledge and experience in abundance, and as such we are proud to present them to our readers.Every home needs a solid foundation, and the builders, engineers and support staff creating these deserve recognition and respect. The jury also reserves the right to combine categories as necessary.We know completing awards entries can be time-consuming, so we’ve created several tools to help streamline the process for our entrants. Infrastructure Awards 2019 WINNERS ANNOUNCED. Hosted annually, these awards are designed to give our readers a glimpse into the firms and individuals who are leading the architecture market today.Diverse and deeply fascinating, the construction and engineering market is home to a wide range of professionals, each dedicated to innovating and creating spaces that users will adore. Entries compete for the following honors:Honoring the nation’s best design-build projects and leaders.No, each project can only be entered in one category. Judged by industry professionals on a range of factors, including creative design and quality of workmanship, the winners were selected in 22 separate categories, with Bellevarde Constructions in NSW taking out the coveted 2019 HIA–CSR Australian Home of the Year award. Categories honoured at this year's OHBA AoD include everything from advertising to architectural design, as well as the biggest awards of the night, the Prestige Award. 2016 for 2019).DBIA’s National Awards of Merit are the top projects — typically up to three — in each category. This year we’re celebrating an amazing industry who have provided critical support to the public sector, especially during the recent months, and who are leading the country on the road to recovery. While you can only enter a project once in any given year, you can enter that same project in more than one year, if its completion date is within the given time. However, each project will have to be entered separately, including separate entry fees.DBIA’s National Project/Team awards are given annually to projects that exemplify the principles of Design-Build Done Right®. BUILDER Gold Nugget Awards Go Virtual for 2020 From more than 550 entries, the judges selected grand and merit winners in categories including single-family, multifamily, and custom residential. Projects completed after January 1, 2015, are eligible for submission. Plus, if you win, they can use that award in their materials to help your company get additional projects!You can enter as many projects as you’d like in any given year. Many non-members have won awards in years past.We’re glad you asked! Learn More Past Winners You can too.DBIA also honors individuals, agencies and owners with leadership awards:No, the entry process is entirely online and thus, no mailed entries will be accepted. As such, BUILD Magazine is keen to share the best companies operating throughout the home and garden space, an aim we achieve through our annual Home & Garden Awards. Judges will issue Grand and Merit Awards; one grand winner may be recognized as Project of the Year. BUILD has an audience of over 110,300 industry readers, comprising of business owners, managers, designers and other key decision makers throughout the construction, design and real estate world. This small amount of research will help you prepare the most effective awards submission possible.

BUILD Magazine aims to share the leading lights in this space through our Construction & Engineering Awards.© Copyright 2019 AI Global Media LtdSustainability and the environment are key issues for consumers and companies alike in today’s corporate landscape; as such, the industry that drives change deserves recognition for its hard work.

The Design & Build awards are BUILD Magazine’s way of endorsing and recommending the most promising and best performing firms across all sectors of architecture, construction, building and interior design. BUILD Magazine offers the market’s key players the recognition they deserve for their hard work and dedication through our Infrastructure Awards.

We know completing awards entries can be time-consuming, so we’ve created … The Building Awards 2020 returns! As such, BUILD Magazine seeks to rectify this by hosting the Facilities Management Awards, an annual programme which recognises and rewards the leading lights in this competitive industry.From sales and lettings through to cleaning services, our Real Estate & Property Awards highlight the innovators and visionaries throughout this vital industry. 16th May 2019. Taking in everything from the latest products and techniques, to up-to-the-minute design trends and industry-moulding regulations, BUILD should be the first port of call for any construction or property professional looking to remain on the cutting edge when it comes to their or related industries.With the ability to fuel economic growth and improve the reliability of some of the world’s most crucial services, the implementation of quality infrastructure is vital to a functioning society, which is why the 2019 Infrastructure Awards recognises the companies dedicated to broadening the horizons of developed and emerging nations alike by providing the necessary operations for everyday living.Discussing the success of these deserving winners, Katherine Benton, Awards Coordinator praised their hard work and commitment to excellence: “It is with great pride that I congratulate my winners and wish them the best of luck for the future.”© Copyright 2019 AI Global Media LtdOops!

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Build's 2019 Design BUILD Awards