Hotel marroad karuizawa

Hotel marroad karuizawa

Additional sorting options might be available (by type of traveler, by score, etc...).The only way to leave a review is to first make a booking. Además, si te inscribes a nuestro boletín de correos electrónico, te informaremos de nuestras rebajas y ofertas exclusivas. is a distributor (without any obligation to verify) and not a publisher of these questions and answers. Algunos aspectos que los huéspedes destacan en los comentarios son la amabilidad del personal y el tamaño de las habitaciones. Además de aportar la combinación ideal de calidad, comodidad y ubicación, ofrece una amplia variedad de servicios diseñados para viajeros como tú.Si buscas restaurantes de comida española de calidad, quizás quieras probar Granada Karuizawa, F.O.G Bar & Burger o Estella mientras te alojas en Hotel Marroad Karuizawa.¿Es propietario o gestiona este establecimiento?

Double-check the maximum capacity for the room you selected.Something went wrong – please try again later.If you booked through us and want to leave a review, please sign in first.Thanks! We check for naughty words and verify the authenticity of all guest reviews before adding them to our site.Food and beverage services at this property may be limited or unavailable due to the coronavirus (COVID-19).Additional fees are not calculated automatically in the total cost and will have to be paid for separately during your stay.In accordance with government guidelines to minimize transmission of the coronavirus (COVID-19), this property may request additional documentation from guests to validate identity, travel itinerary, and other relevant info on dates where such guidelines exist.Pick your preferred language. The most helpful contributions are detailed and help others make better decisions. Hay aparcamiento disponible en Hotel Marroad Karuizawa.Las habitaciones de Hotel Marroad Karuizawa ofrecen aire acondicionado, frigorífico y zona de asientos, y los huéspedes pueden estar conectados con wifi gratuito.Los puntos de referencia de los alrededores, como Former Usuitouge View Point (2,7 km) y Formerly Mikasa Hotel (2,9 km) hacen de Hotel Marroad Karuizawa un magnífico sitio donde alojarse durante un viaje a Karuizawa-machi.Estamos seguros de que disfrutarás de tu estancia en Hotel Marroad Karuizawa mientras descubres todo lo que Karuizawa-machi tiene para ofrecer.Durante tu viaje, no te olvides de ir a ver galerías de arte populares, como Chauffor, Nichido Gallery Karuizawa y Shinanooiwake Culture Space Aburaya. Some rooms come with a tatami (woven-straw) flooring area where guests can relax with seating cushions.This service may contain translations powered by Google.’s role is to be a feedback distributor for both guests and properties.Only a customer who booked through and stayed at a specific property can write a review.

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Hotel marroad karuizawa