Oneiric Diary IZ*ONE

Oneiric Diary IZ*ONE

Secret Story of the Swan (Japanese Ver.

There were some cool parts mixed in with more bog-standard MV tricks. ‘환상 일기’라는 하나의 테마로 모여진 곡들은 각각이 지닌 다양한 매력과 앨범 전체로서 한 곡과 같은 구성을 동시에 지니고 있다. Log in sign up. The music video for "Secret Story of the Swan" was released on June 16.
I just couldn’t decide on which version to get haha.I have a question, which shipping method did you choose? It was released on June 15, 2020 with "Secret Story of the Swan" serving as the title track. Secret Story of the Swan *TitleI have to admit I was not super impressed with the video at first. And as good as those dance sequences were, I was pretty sure they weren't going to hold my attention.If you're looking for a special-effects drenched video, look no further. 43 comments. I am too shy to do thatthe 3D version first time purchasing an IZ*ONE album so mt commitment to the 13 possible covers aren't there yet. Oneiric Diary (幻想日記) is the third mini album by IZ*ONE. IZ*ONE Oneiric Diary Lookbook臨 [KWON EUNBI] [KIM MINJU] (c) @official_izone -KH. IZ*ONE Diary ver.#1 IZ*ONE Diary ver.#2 IZ*ONE Oneiric ver. “Rococo” is a song that expresses IZ*ONE’s intention to create a dream-like new world.

And as good as those dance sequences were, I was pretty sure they weren't going to hold my attention.If you're looking for a special-effects drenched video, look no further. 日頃よりiz*oneへの温かいご声援、誠にありがとうございます。 iz*one 3rd ミニアルバム「oneiric diary」(輸入盤)の予約販売を開始いたします。 iz*one japan official shopおよびuniversal music store各サイトにて予約限定特典「大判フォトカード(b5)」がございます! Secret Story of the Swan *TitleI have to admit I was not super impressed with the video at first. 27.

27. I'm not sure why all this was necessary, but I can't deny it was fun to watch.8. Oneiric Diary unspools like a fantasy day out with the 12-member girl group.


Many times over, in fact.7. IZ*ONE is a 12 member Korean Girl Group formed from “Produce 48”, the third season of …

It was released on June 15, 2020 with "Secret Story of the Swan" serving as the title track. See more of No IZONE No WIZONE on Facebook. The Diary version does seem really cute!PERSONALLY, i much prefer the Diary version tho acknowledge that the Fantasy version has more value.One of each except for kihno.

Finally, “With*One” is a fan song with lyrics written by all IZ*ONE members who wanted to show their desire to comfort the fans who were going through hard times and be by their side.IZ*ONE (아이즈원) 3rd Mini Album Oneiric Diary (幻想日記) HIGHLIGHT MEDLEYThe physical copies of the album will be released officially on June 15, 2020, following the reveal of the music video of the title track. Create New Account. 19.9k members in the iZone community. Accessibility Help. IZ*ONE‘s Secret Story of the Swan MV from their 3rd Mini Album titled Oneiric Diary drops in a few hours, and we have 91 backstage photos posted on IZ*ONE’s naver blog.. Email or Phone: Password: Forgot account? Discussion.

오직 아이즈원만이 표현할 수 있는 압도적 퍼포먼스와 다양한 매력들이 영화처럼 펼쳐지는 트랙이다.12명의 소녀들이 평소 꿈꿔왔던 환상적이고 동화 같은 상상들이 적힌 일기장, 그 평범한 일기장에 마법 같은 힘이 더해지면 상상은 현실이 된다는 이야기를 담았다.

"춤을 춰 너를 위해, 꿈을 꿔 너와 함께"타이틀곡 ‘환상동화(Secret Story of the Swan)’는 아이즈원 12명의 다채로운 아름다움을 표현한 시네마틱 EDM 댄스곡으로, 마법 같은 힘을 통해 마음속 깊이 간직했던 꿈이 현실이 돼 동화 속 주인공이 된 아이즈원을 표현하였다.IZ*ONE (아이즈원) Oneiric Diary (幻想日記) Album Trailer“I dance for you, I dream with you”The title song “Secret Story of the Swan” is a cinematic EDM which expresses the multifaceted beauty of the 12 IZ*ONE members.
There are four main versions of the album, which are the Oneiric and Diary version, a 3D version and a kihno kit.그리고 함께 꿈을 꾼다면 누구나 동화 속 주인공이 될 수 있다는 이야기를 노래함으로써 듣는 이들에게 응원의 메시지를 전달하고자 한다.

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Oneiric Diary IZ*ONE