Zenkai Girl 05

Zenkai Girl 05

She somehow takes a giant leap of logic and thinks her newly discovered feelings for Shota are irrelevant now. Tagline (English): No money, no education, a star of good-looking guys? Piitaro starts crying as he asks if this means he won’t be living with his dad anymore? Suddenly Piitaro runs out of the house bearing the box of chicks, as Shota asks where he’s going. She keeps reminding herself to focus on work, but she makes a mistake in preparing a document and gets chewed out rightfully by Sakaragawa sensei.Thank you for the brilliant recap! 11 of 11 episodes seen . Piitaro waves until his mom has walked out of sight. She hits and strikes something. Shindo says she’ll be here soon. such a perfect way to finish my day, after all those Finance things!! He’s already begun to forget her. Piitaro asks if Shota will be going with him to New York. A surfeit of feelings plus the perfect pairing of Ryo and Gakki.

I think Zenkai Girl will ultimately be considered a drama with no discernible plot, coasting entirely on overwhelming us with feelings when we watch it. Shota tries to explain that the daddies are mistaken about Ririka. He tells her that he never thought he would find someone he wanted to share his life with. not even watched the whole episode…it’s frustrating (maybe bcuz it’s not what we wanted). Wakaba goes into the classroom and sees Piitaro happily playing, and hears from Urara sensei that Shota dropped off Piitaro earlier and left looking pretty depressed and unlike himself. Sep 29, 2011.

I know some people don’t like spoilers so I won’t say too much here, but I’m really anxious to see your opinion on ep9&10) I was with the writer even through episode 9, but episode 10 totally has ne scratching my head and wondring what theyre doing with the lovable Soka character of yore. Piitaro whispers a great idea to Hinata who seems quite pleased with it. Details []. Sonna Otoko, Mondai Gai desho?

Shota agrees but Wakaba says she doesn’t have the time to play these kids games.

Wakaba drags Hinata out and rails at all this ridiculous confessing of feelings.finished reading it, thanks so much! In the series, she plays Wakaba, an ambitious international lawyer with dreams of rising to the top. Everyone compliments Shindo sensei on being so thorough and having great taste. Konusu ↵ Hanzawa Naoki (Sakai Masato) Tokyo Chuo Bankası'nın Osaka Nishi şubesinde kredi bölümünün şefi olarak çalışmaktadır. His friends know he has/had a dream, Sakuragawa, the principal and Miss Urara all respect him. I love the two kiddos on this drama. The kids at school are enjoying their lunch, but not before the principal explains to them that the food they are eating has a life and they need to be thankful for it. Anyways, Zenkai Girl is definitely worth your time. Kurai_Ito.

Kujo sensei wants to leave until Shota shows her a very limited bottle of sake that he’s taking out for this event. But today when he hugged his mom and happily remembered her smell, Shota knew that Piitaro missed his mom.

OH god, Shota’s confession is just so perfect and sweet, just like who is he.The next day, Piitaro encourages his dad to confess his feelings to Wakaba. Wakaba has no choice but the crack the door open and say hello. Ayukawa Wakaba nemzetközi ügyvéd akar lenni, és tele van ambíciókkal, tervekkel, álmokkal. They think that Wakaba is actually cute compared to Ririka, who is a true demon woman who abandoned Piitaro.In a year from now, Piitaro won’t even remember his mom’s face. We see it’s Sakuragawa sensei calling her from outside the restaurant where Shindo is waiting for her.“man did the sugar high feel exhilarating” — you and me both, koala dear!Wakaba takes Piitaro and the box of chicks inside her apartment and proceeds to revive them with some extra heat and sugar water. A row of employees are waiting to show Wakaba engagement rings, as Shindo has booked this place for the night just for her. Wakaba knows and since she made a promise, she won’t let anything get in the way of doing her job. It wasn’t hammered home to death, and was a way for everyone to discuss the question of nature versus nurture. But he sees how hard she works at everything, and he really likes this her. If it were her, she would just eat it.

She looks like an exhausted mess, so she orders Wakaba home to sleep.normally, I rewatched every episode..cuz I think it’s really funny (story and characters..most specially the kids). And sometimes that is exactly what we need.

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