Contain, include difference

Contain, include difference

It only takes a minute to sign up.In all honesty, though, one term isn't more appropriate than the other.

Include is used to describe elements of a group of objects/ideas. Latin con- meaning together.It is possible for "A contains B and C" and "A includes B and C" to mean the same thing. It only takes a minute to sign up.To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader.Thanks for contributing an answer to English Language Learners Stack Exchange!The box contains a red hat and a blue hat.The contents of the box consist of a red hat, a blue hat, and a yellow hat.The contents of the box consist of a red hat and a blue hat.How we can compare the meaning of the above sentences?The three verbs have almost the same meaning.

So what is the difference?

The only difference is that the three Latin verbs come from three different simplex verbs (verbs without a prefix).To be more precise, when I am saying:include comes from Latin claud-ere/clud-ere to close. thanks folks!What's the difference between:'his question didn't include a link on Yahoo answers? ' So if you say The whole consists of several parts you actually say several parts stand together and form a whole.The contents of the box include a red hat and a blue hat. In this case, I'm not pointing out that the hats are inside the box, but rather that the box and the hats are all part of the set of things I'm offering to sell.So all three verbs express the same meaning.

As verbs the difference between contain and contains is that contain is (lb) to hold inside while contains is (contain).

You would not, generally, say that the box includes the hats. You would not, generally, say that the box includes the hats.

It is also possible for them to have different meanings. any opinion that regarding the DIFFERENCE between them are appreciated, please feel free to express your opinion, thank you very much your answers!Your answer should contain a link. As a noun include is (computing) a piece of source code or other content that is dynamically retrieved for inclusion in … But language can express one idea with different words.English Language Learners Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for speakers of other languages learning English. Inside the box is a set of objects, and that set (which 'contents' refers to) includes (and consists of) the hats.To consist comes from Latin si-st-ere, itself a derivation of Latin stare/stere meaning to stand. “Contain” carries an implication of physical containment, while “include” does not. Well, that first link basically said to contain is to have or hold (someone or something) within, or to control or restrain (oneself or a feeling).

In a sentence where you could say something "consists of" other things then you can use both: The box is a container, and contains the hats. So, for example, you can say, “their honeymoon included a trip to Jamaica”, since it was part of the honeymoon. 'Contains' is used when there is something else that is doing the containing. A whole can "close in" several elements just as a city wall closes in a lot of different buildings. and 'his question didn't contain a link on Yahoo answers? Someone mentioned there are subtle differences, but just can't tell what they are, so I am wondering that you guys here might have the answer. The box is a container, and contains the hats. The Latin prefix con- often means together. 'Contains' is used when there is something else that is doing the containing. To include meaning to close in.

Synonym for contain "to contain something" means that something is *kept* inside something else "to include something" means that something is *put* inside something else たとえば: The bottle contains water / Water is contained in the bottle Lunch includes rice / Rice is included in lunch If you said "the bottle includes water" or "water is included in the bottle" then you would mean that …

A lot of the time they can be used interchangeably but with slightly different meanings. This statement means that the glue does not include any other ingredients.While the existing answers are not wrong, I think there are a few distinctions worth mentioning.

The other said include is to comprise or contain as part of a whole, or to make part of a whole or set… The differences are in no way relevant in the context of whether there was a link in a question… '(I want to say there wasn't a link in his question on Yahoo answers).You should include a link in your answer.English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. If I were selling you the box, I might tell you that it includes three hats. Inside the box, there is a red hat, a yellow hat, and a blue hat (and nothing else). "A consists of B and C" means that B and C are the only components of A. You could say:But it doesn't matter which you choose.How are those the same, please?There's indeed a subtle but important difference between these two terms in the context of the scenario you describe.Normally, though, the difference is by no means subtleBy the way, I am a freshman here.

So, for example, “the box contains three widgets” means they’re inside the box. The distinction between 'includes' and 'contains' is a bit more subtle.

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Contain, include difference