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The method can also include receiving a digital key from the remote key authority, the digital key configured to enable the external medical device programmer to implement the restricted instructions. The implanted medical device can determine in operation 408 whether or not permission has been received from the remote key authority in the form of a digital key. Provisional Patent Application No. 30 Embodiments of the invention can help avoid possible issues by controlling how restricted system functionality can be engaged and/or implemented. Other aspects will be apparent to persons skilled in the art upon reading and understanding the following detailed description and viewing 20 the drawings that form a part thereof, each of which is not to be taken in a limiting sense. The method can further include sending information from the external medical 10 device programmer regarding the specific implanted medical device to a remote key authority if the instructions are restricted instructions.

BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Implantable medical devices are commonly used to treat patients with 20 various conditions. 5.2. There's a couple of things you can do to help restrict the use of the application to a specific office location and specific devices, although as other answers point out none of them are absolute protection . For example, some restricted instructions may be "system determinable" in that the system can either authorize or deny permission to implement them based on the specific nature of the restricted instruction and facts about the patient and/or specific implanted 20 device in question.

WO 20111084510 PCT/US2010/060561 SYSTEM AND METHOD TO AUTHORIZE RESTRICTED FUNCTIONALITY This application is being filed as a PCT International Patent application 5 on December 15, 2010 in the name of Cardiac Pacemakers, Inc., a U.S. national corporation, applicant for the designation of all countries except the U.S., and Scott R. Stubbs, a Citizen of the United States of America, and Hiten J. Doshi, a Citizen of the United States of America, applicant(s) for the designation of the U.S. only, and claims priority to U.S.

While the invention is susceptible to various modifications and alternative forms, specifics thereof have been shown by way of example and 10 drawings, and will be described in detail. Further, the 5 WO 2011/084510 PCT/US2010/060561 external medical device programmer 116 can receive input from a system user regarding which instructions from the set of instructions are to be delivered to the specific implanted medical device. The memory can have instructions stored thereon causing the remote key authority to execute various steps and methods described herein. The external medical device programmer can be configured to initiate a transfer of verifying data to a remote key authority requesting permission if the user input directs delivery of restricted instructions to the specific implanted medical device, the verifying data 15 including information regarding the specific implanted medical device. 10 In some embodiments, the cryptographic digital key can be effective to allow the external medical device programmer 116 to implement the restricted instructions on the implantable medical device only for a limited period of time, such as only for the current programming session or only for a predefined limited period of time. A bus controller 525 is provided for controlling data bus 530, and an interrupt controller 535 is used for receiving and processing various interrupt signals from the other system components.

At times issues may be legal and at others confidential matter may be the driving force. The remote key authority 132 can include various components. Self-employed / Employer Self-employed refers to the one works for himself or herself and is not employed as an employee. Devices that are outside the Woodgrove corporate network, or computers that are in the isolated domain but are not members of the required NAG, cannot communicate with the isolated server.Isolated servers accept unsolicited inbound network traffic only from devices or users that are members of the NAG.Isolated servers can be implemented as part of an isolated domain, and treated as another zone.

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