Thank you for putting it that way

Thank you for putting it that way

Your thoughtfulness and generosity empower me and encourage me to do my best, always.Our whole team just wanted to show how grateful we are to have such a wonderful boss. You played a major role behind our success.Thank you for taking our company to great heights of success. Everyone is jealous that I have such a great boss. Thank you boss. If you get a number of replies, it shows that your thank you email was effective!

Thank you for being my boss.I am saying this not just because I have just got a raise. Thank you so much for everything that you have done for me over the years.A million thanks to you for being the best boss ever.

I feel blessed to work for a company that values it’s employees and is consistently generous and compassionate. [NAME] nothing I can say will ever convey the amount of gratitude, I owe to you for showing me how to have the right attitude.

Thanks.You have motivated your employees while having to make the toughest of decisions. Thanks for making work enjoyable.You weren’t going to get anything out of pushing me, to be an exceptional employee – but you still invested your time in me. Every time they say bad things about their bosses, I really have nothing to say.

Thank you for taking the time to notice the little things and always find a way to offer a compliment or a word of encouragement.

This thank you expression is specifically for service men and …

Thank you for your support!You lead your employees and get them to follow your vision without being dominating and annoying.

Saying thank you can go a long way. Especially when it’s time to compose a few words of gratitude for the people who actually work with you. Autograph your work with excellence.

Thank you for taking the time to notice the little things and always find a way to offer a compliment or a word of encouragement.

I’m sure you’re going to be pleased with the results.I would like to thank you for all that you have done for me. It means a lot to me knowing that my work and the extra hours I put in during crunch time are appreciated. I really appreciate it.From being nothing to something, I have traveled a long journey under your guidance. I promise to work hard to maintain the confidence and trust you have shown in me. Thanks for being our lifeline.Thank you so much for all of your leadership at work—it has truly been an inspiration to work with you.Your comments on my failures and your compliments on my performance – both motivate and inspire me to do better.

Working in future with an employee like you would be a matter of pride and honour for us. Your hard work has been my inspiration since I became a member of your staff.

The simple act of saying 'thank you for your purchase' is an incredibly powerful way to show a little customer love. Thanks for your extra effort and hard work.Many see a job well done but few come forward with a word of appreciation.I have never seen a hard working person like you before.Thanks for the support that you have shown towards our company.

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Thank you for putting it that way