Value of praise

Value of praise

“Bruce, I wanted to share an ‘attaboy’ with you”, he said, patting my dad on the shoulder and handing him the letter. Church PowerPoint Template: The Value of Praise. They show respect and it is primarily focused upwards to the parent, teacher, or boss or outwards, to the client. Managers are always looking for cost-effective ways to improved productivity, performance, and office morale, yet genuine praise—one of the easiest, cheapest, and best ways to … How does this work? It was a difficult move for him from artist to executive.Later, during small group discussions, one manager admitted to her peers that she had never once thanked anyone who worked for her. The needed break through simply seem to elude them; brethren, it is time to supernaturally overturn the situation with thanksgiving and praise.

“Those managers need to be giving more ‘attaboy’s,” he said. During my early days in Hong Kong I would get in a lift […]That’s one reason I always pass along positive comments from clients about my assistant, Natalie Lo, and I make it a point to let her know how much I appreciate her help.

My dad remembers that story and that boss over 60 years later.The following Sunday I shared the experience with my 96-year-old father. We as children of God need to tell ourselves to praise the Lord especially amidst challenging situations and circumstances. TOPIC: VALUE OF PRAISE SCRIPTURE: But you are holy, you who inhabit the praises of Israel - Psalm 22:3 MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 145:1 DIGGING DEEP: Praise is a posture of our inner self to God. If it wasn’t a gold star on a school report, it was an A for effort.

The thanksgiving gate is the access point into His courts.A lot of people become so consumed in activities and challenges that they neglect the place of consciously telling themselves to praise the Lord. Effective praise can be directed to an individual student or group of students when the teacher wants to connect praise with a particular behavior. What is this? The use of con-tingent praise has strong empirical support (Stormont et al., 2007; Strain & Joseph, 2004).

Some might be tempted to say, why should I praise when my life really doesn’t seem worthy of praise. At Little Miracles we know the value of praise; it can raise a child’s self-esteem, shape behaviour and overall make a place a happier environment to be in. At first she seemed surprised and a bit embarrassed when I did this but now she owns it completely, responding sincerely, “You’re welcome.” The psalmist said to himself, I will bless the Lord. That also means that praise should not be given for trivial accomplishments or weak efforts by students such as minor task completion or the student completing their responsibilities. The psalmist decided to tell himself to praise the Lord, what this means is, you won’t always feel like praising God; we must however praise Him in spite of how we feel. So it felt like a watershed moment when I was brought in to work with 30 Chinese middle managers on how to engage staff by demonstrating appreciation and bringing joy into the workplace.As a kid growing up in the U.S., I was raised on praise, not always deserved. We are to approach God with gladness and singing in our hearts. When we face critical situations in our lives like David did severally; our sustenance will be the praise in our mouth.The courts represent an atmosphere for God’s goodness and a positioning for miracles:God wants us to have a continuous disposition of praise. In China, praise is so subtle as to be indiscernible. There is a fear that praise will make the child, student or staff member “proud” in a culture where humility is a core value. He tells the story of how, when he was relatively new to the PR team, his boss came in with a letter from the Division Head praising a project he’d led. If it wasn’t a gold star on a school report, it was an A for effort.The Chinese, basically, don’t do praise.

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