WTA Brisbane 2020

WTA Brisbane 2020

Just click on the category name in the left menu and select your tournament. ... 2020 Brisbane International Results: Women's Singles. Dokic lauds Barty’s impact on young Aussie women 12 January 2020. explore more. The following players defended a main circuit title in singles, doubles, or mixed doubles:2) cumulated importance of those titles (one Grand Slam win equalling two Premier Mandatory/Premier 5 wins, one year-end championships win equalling one-and-a-half Premier Mandatory/Premier 5 win, one Premier Mandatory/Premier 5 win equalling two Premier wins, one Premier win equalling two International wins);This is the complete schedule of events on the 2020 calendar, with player progression documented from the quarterfinals stage.The following players won their first main circuit title in singles, doubles, or mixed doubles:3) a singles > doubles > mixed doubles hierarchy;Following are notable players who announced their comebacks after retirements during the 2020 WTA Tour season:Following is a list of notable players (winners of a main tour title, and/or part of the WTA Rankings top 100 in singles or doubles, for at least one week) who announced their retirement from professional tennis, became inactive (after not playing for more than 52 weeks), or were permanently banned from playing, during the 2020 season:4) alphabetical order (by family names for players).1) total number of titles (a doubles title won by two players representing the same nation counts as only one win for the nation); Besides WTA Brisbane scores you can follow 2000+ tennis competitions from 70+ countries around the world on FlashScore.com. Get all the latest WTA Brisbane International 2020 live Tennis scores, results, and more! WTA. Get all the latest WTA Brisbane International 2020 Draws, results, and more! Sport Betting; Yearly calendar; ... Tennis - Brisbane - 2020 - Detailed results. It was played on outdoor hard courts in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Brisbane International Tennis. The ATP Tour edition of the event was replaced this year by the first edition of the ATP Cup.

This was the twelfth edition of the tournament, which took place at the Queensland Tennis Centre in Tennyson from 6 to 12 January 2020 as part of the Australian Open Series in preparation for the first Grand Slam of the year.

... Get updates on Brisbane International by subscribing to the official email newsletter. Brisbane 2020. Draws; Provisional Schedule and Gate Opening Times; ... 12 January 2020. View the 2020 WTA Singles results for including every match, game and set for each round. Visit Brisbane. Choice of a season : Full results; Draw; Detailed results; Information; Prize list; Archives; Stats; Full results. FlashScore.com offers WTA Brisbane livescore, final and partial results, WTA Brisbane draws and WTA - Singles rankings.

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