Wait to do

Wait to do

See WaitForSecondsRealtime if you wish to wait using unscaled time. If you sleep less, then your wait time will be more accurate, but your CPU usage will go up due to busy waiting.

I googled it but every answer is having both pressed, one first then the rest of the buttons. need answer asap! Is this what you are trying to do or did I misinterpret your description?For many types of applications, at times it is necessary to pause the running of the program until some external condition occurs.

Want to wait, if you can? Thanks!Now consider you have your Python logic in a separate thread, and here you wait on an event object. Yet, I have titled this section "The Bad", didn't I?First, let's add progress reporting to our background thread. Do Not Wait Lyrics: You will say you're dreaming up a way / You're dreaming up a way to explode / There's a time you'll seek out a disguise / When you think people hate you the most / And it gets If we run the check too often we use a lot of CPU, and if we run it not too often we will miss the exact moment the thread completed. For reading, however, if the variable isn't found in the local scope, then Python goes to the outer scope and looks there, so global variables can be read without declaring them as global. It uses a lot less CPU than the previous one, but we still have a CPU that is spinning. Acromial. So the obvious improvement to the previous solution is to add something inside the while-loop that puts a brake to the CPU frantically evaluating the while-loop exit condition.This is well-written and very helpful! wait #11. wait synonyms, wait pronunciation, wait translation, English dictionary definition of wait. Your tkinter program is not waiting on your user's decision, it is waiting on an event loop, yes? We can sleep:While this solution is miles better than the previous one, there are two problems with it that still make it less than ideal. For example, with pyserial you can call the read()` method and that will return exactly when data shows up. How to Wait Patiently. Key to that is helping you to build a solid financial future. Stay on top of what's happening with home prices, keeping in mind that real estate markets vary significantly in different areas. i cant play on the browser as well, so what am i suppose to do now? Those qualified buyers who can borrow want an immediate discount off the list price.

There are some factors which can mean the actual amount of time waited does not precisely match the amount of time specified: … The tkinter event handlers for your buttons all do what they need to do, and then set the event object. If you sleep more, then you use less CPU, but you may end up waiting much longer than needed.I noticed in your full example of syncing on a result_available Event object, you explicitly declared result as a global in your background task method, but you didn't declare the result_available object as global. If I wanted to show people how to run a background task I would have included an example showing how to do that with thread or process executors. But this isn't about that, it is about waiting. For example, consider this common pattern when writing a background thread function:And here is the complete script:@Igor: can you program your buttons to set an event, and then instead of wait on a variable you wait on the event as shown in this article?Here is the entire script, in case you want to run it locally:As you can see, in most cases, the operating system provides efficient wait mechanisms, so all you need to do is find how to access those from Python.If you try this version of the wait, you are going to find that the script waits without overtasking the CPU, so you may think that we now have the perfect solution. Thank you.Here is the complete code, if you want to run it or study it in more detail:runApp = tk.Button(..., command=lambda: var.set(1))

So if this event object can wait on any condition, how do we tell it when to end the wait? The good news may be that the decline in your portfolio might match or be less than the decline in real estate prices.It would be a mistake to count on such a breakthrough, but the possibilities are there.

This thread is still going to produce a result, but it is not going to exit immediately after that, it will continue running and doing some more work:@Manuel: you need to show me the code that you are using, I can diagnose the problem without seeing the code.Here is the complete code for this example:While this type of wait is very common, it has this "resolution" problem, where the length of the wait is a multiple of the amount of sleep you do inside the loop. Apr 21, 2016 @ 1:54am Having this prob.

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