Thank you for your patience and cooperation

Thank you for your patience and cooperation

Instead, you might often hear them say something along the lines of “thank you for your patience” or “thank you for waiting.”What’s great about saying this is that you take the focus away from your fault, but instead highlight the good qualities of that person.

I look forward to meet with you again. I have the most invaluable asset as friendship and that’s found in you. Didn't even know this website was a thing till now. It’s important to say thank you to your customers, but always remember to make it personal to them.

You have always been a great source of encouragement mentioned to me. Your understanding is second to none, thank you.76. Related Comparisons

Instead of apologizing and pointing out your slowness to learn, apologize and thank them for their patience and time.However, let’s say you’re constantly late or you’re late by an hour.

Thank you.96. They aren’t getting paid to do it, you need to learn how to do it to perform your tasks at work, but you’re not learning as fast as either of you would like. Thanks for your uniqueness.90. Keep it up.It really feels great to have employees like you who are hungry of challenges. Thank you so much.99. It's really helpful for those who need to check their grammar for regular use. I considered that presumptuous. Thank you.16. If your mistake or error was a one-time thing, you can use this to avoid apologizing when it’s either unprofessional or unnecessary. This is just to show appreciation to you for being a great and wonderful person.95. Yet, you’ve seen your co-worker continuing to patiently train you, even if it means taking time out of their own tasks to manage you. With your hard work you have taken us to the top. This means a lot to me.83.

When you’re meeting up with a friend but you’re running late, when you get to them, you may be tempted to say “sorry I’m late.” You could say that, but if you hear yourself acknowledging your flaw, even if the fault was unavoidable, you’re slowly disheartened by your inability to make it on time. Your thoughtfulness and understanding are always commendable to me. Thank you for this.29. Work hard and give it all you’ve got. Thanks for the absolute understanding.9. "Stay right here to see why human proofreaders beat computer checkers every time!“They have real people checking grammar errors!

The going was long and tough but you displayed a great level of understanding.

Saying this is to acknowledge that that person has been waiting for you to keep up or reach them. There’s nothing I can say right now to quantify how much I appreciate your understanding on this matter. It’s a rare gift to have someone be there when it seems no one else is. Here’s a little ‘thank for understanding’ message from me.

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Thank you for your patience and cooperation